Join us for Worship

125 Kathwood Dr
Athens, GA 30607
(706) 353-1978

LiFE KiDZ Camp

To register for Camp please click the HERE!


Dates: June 17 – 20, 2024

Time: 6-8:30

Place: 125 Kathwood DR. Athens Ga 30607

Contact 706-286-0926 or or 706-286-5868 or for more info

Want to Volunteer to help Click Here!

Call to Prayer

Meet with Pastor Terry in the Sanctuary to pray together from 6-7pm on Wednesdays. This will be a focused prayer time for our church. We are teaching on the Celebration of Discipline. We invite you to be a part of this vital ministry!

Bible Study and Prayer Group

We come together to study God’s Word and pray for people all over the world with prayer request that are given to us. We are from various denominations and Churches.   We spend about and hour in bible study and the the second hour prayer. We meet every Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall. 

July 4th Freedom Celebration

 Come out and celebrate the 4th with us. There will be fun activities for the entire family, to include games, sports, and live music. There will be food, beverages, desserts, snack items, and homemade ice cream available for purchase. Everyone who registers will receive a coupon for 1 free bowl of ice cream. There will […]