Terry was born in Nashville, Tennessee, but grew up in Lakewood, Ohio, on the west side of Cleveland. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion from Emmanuel College School of Christian Ministries, Franklin Springs, Georgia and a Master of Divinity degree form Oral Roberts University School of Theology in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In his early ministry, he and his wife, Pam, served several churches by leading youth groups, teaching children’s church, developing Sunday School campaigns, and overseeing a variety of Christian education programs and events. He also has nearly 8 years counseling experience working with troubled youth and families. Terry is ordained by the North Carolina Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. He has been a Army Chaplain for over 25 Years, and retired at the the end of June with 20 years of active federal service. Terry and Pam have been married for 34 years. During their time in the military, Terry and Pam have been ministry Partners. They have visited the sick, Comforted the grieving, and counseled those seeking godly wisdom. They’ve preached, taught, and led worship where they have served.